Outreach Project-Taggie Blankets

Punishment vs.Discipline Jan 18th Meeting Recap

Today we learned about Punishment vs. Discipline and knowing the difference

Punishment -Purpose To inflict penalty for an offense
Discipline-To train for correction and maturity

Key Biblical Concepts: Actions = Consistent Consequences

Seven Steps to Discipline:
  1. Clear Warning 
  2. Establish Responsibility
  3. Avoid Embarrassment
  4. Communicate Grief
  5. Flick the Wrist
  6. Sincere Repentance 
  7. Unconditional Love

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him. Proverbs 22:15




Financial Turnaround Speaker

Our guest speaker today was Ron Kovac, he shared 7 life altering mistakes regarding finances.

  1. Getting the big stuff wrong: if you mortgage or rent eats up more than 30% of your gross income and if your vehicle is more than 10% you’re going to have a tough time making ends meet.
  2. Confusing needs needs and wants: our needs are few, and they include shelter, food, clothes, transportation, and companionship.
  3. Considering only the monthly payment: whole business thrive on getting you to ignore the total cost of your purchase.
  4. Failing to track where the money goes: technology makes this easy with personal-finance software such as Money or Quicken.
  5. Carrying credit card debt: If you can’t pay your bill in full, stop using the credit.
  6. Living close to the edge: Every set back is a crisis if you have no cushion.
  7. Squandering what you have: roll over your 401(k) from past job into a IRA.

Dave Ramsey Website:

If you have questions for Ron he can be reached at ronkopro@sbcglobal.net


30day challenge!

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” Moliere


Join us for a 30 day challenge...its simple.

1.What habit do you need to change?

2. What will you do to make it happen (list the steps)

3. Commit to stick to it for 30 days...you can do it!





Low-fat cooking websites:


Online tracking tool

Share your ideas, websites and online tracking tools with all of us, post a comment to this article.