Our Inconveniences or Our Learnings

Have you ever been busy trying to do good and it feels like everything is going wrong? No matter where you turn, what project you tackle, or who you talk to---it just all goes wrong! Sometimes I get so focused on my project, my list for the day and my own agendas, that I forget that I'm not the One in control!

When things seem to be going out of control, into major chaos, and I'm feeling like I'm falling apart----I crash! I get angry, I blame others, I start having my own little pitiful moment! (or sometimes----minutes, hours, etc...)

I'm trying to get better at these ugly moments and remember who is in control. When I remember, I ask God what He wants me to see, to understand? Ask what I am to learn right at this moment? I sometimes have to physically stop movement to just get my bearings so that I change my focus. I forget that God wants to teach me things or show me things that will lead to His purpose for me in the future. Sometimes He wants to teach others thru me and sometimes He chooses to teach me thru others.

Going thru those times are not fun! But I will say that if you and I can just picture the red "STOP!" sign in our mind and talk to Him (listen to Him) or even better---talk to God 1st in the morning, letting Him set our focus---then things do begin to get better. Chaos still ensues, but somehow knowing that He's in control will give you and I better "seeing, hearing, feeling, and thought process."

Have a great time getting ready for the Christmas holidays , but don't forget to stop, share and show "Christ more."

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. THey will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." (NLT)

10 Blessings for Your Home

PEACE May there be peace within your walls (Ps.122:7)
JOY May the God of hope fill you with all joy (Rom. 15:13)
STRENGTH May our Lord...encourage your hearts and strengthen you (2 Thess. 2:16-17)
SUCCESS May HE give you the desire of your heart and make all yor plans succeed (Ps.20:4)
COMFORT May Your unfailing love be my comfort (Ps.119:76)
GRACE May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ...be with you (2 Cor.13:14)
FAVOR May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us. (Ps.90:17)
KINDNESS May the Lord now show you kindness (2 Sam. 2:6)
PROTECTION May Your love and Your truth always protect me (Ps.40:11)
LOVE May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in
You (Ps. 33:22)
(Holley Gerth---Blessings Unlimited)

Save the date Friday, Dec 10th

Local events shows and fun stuff!!!

Ice skating at Del Osso Farm!!



The Nutcracker Dec 18 & 19
How the Grinch Stole Christmas- Dec 5 (film)
A Christmas Carol- Dec 12 (film)



Lion Witch and the Wardrobe Nov 19-21
It's A Wonderful Life Dec 11&12


San Francisco

The Cow Palace transformed into a Victorian England village


San Francisco

West Side Story Nov 20-28



Mary Poppins June 2011
Wicked May/June 2012


Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:5

The Christian's "love muscle" is called on to have amazing elasticity and flexibility. We are to applaud people who are honored for their accomplishments, and yet be known to lose their tempers and act selfishly. We cheer on our children for great awards of good deeds at school, all the time knowing that they are going to show us major attitude and/or not listen to us or anyone in authority when they have their "issues." I'm thankful for friends and family who have seen me at my worse moments and at my better moments, and they still love me just the same.

Love covers. Where do we draw the line between showing a healthy amount of love that covers our lousy habits and ignore those wrong choices that enable a person to continue in destructive behaviors or addictions.

We all have shortcomings and inconsistencies that surface from time to time and we need to stretch to forgive others as we hope they will do for us. When our actions or words become destructive or addictive, we pray that we will not be unwise and ignore the problems of people we love and that others won't allow us to do this either?

This Thanksgiving remember the good of others and if others need your help to keep from destroying themselves or others, help them in a loving manner.

Nov 16th Meeting Recap

Today we learned how to discipline our children effectively. We learned that the goal is a balanced, authority’s parent who combines high levels of support with high levels of control. This combination will typically produce children with high self-esteem, good coping skills, and a positive relationship with parents. Discipline is teaching obedience to God and His Word through consistent consequence (actions) and clear instructions (words) in an atmosphere of love.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

Project Craft Night-Friday, Nov 19th 6pm

Join Us: Friday, Nov 19th @ 6pm Meeting @ Journey Ministry Center

We will be working on some projects for our upcoming Christmas Pary
Dec 10th (save the date).
Childcare will be available for a small fee; however, we need to know ahead of time if you will need childcare.

Go Against the Flow

Doesn't it seem that when someone says, "Don't ....," we always do.

In the steadiness of world economic issues, weather issues, health issues, etc...., we need someone to give our worries to. The steady stream of worries seems to build up one thought at a time, growing ever more until we think we are going to go crazy! Then we finally hear ourselves say, "Quit worrying!" When we are left on our own, we always seem to come back to our fears. However, God gives us something specific to do when we feel overwhelmed, anxious, or worried. He tells us to give everything to Him!

1)thru prayer we are to talk to Him about situations, everyday life

2)thru petitioning we are to make requests to Him as our Authority

3)thru thanksgiving we are to express all of our gratitude

None of these things needs to be done in any certain way, with any special words or actions, just talking, crying, laughing, yelling, pleading, rejoicing from our hearts. Sounds too easy, right! Not usually in the beginning, however the more that we practice, "letting go and letting God," it will get easier. God wants us to hand over our worries so that He can give us peace. The kind of peace that comes to guard our hearts, just as a sentinel watching over our hearts and our minds.

Go against the "steady" stream of negativity and give it all to God!

Nov 2nd Meeting Recap

Today we wrapped up a series about building relationships and creating healthy bonds with each other. We learned from Greg Smalley about negative beliefs in marriage and how that outlook can cause negativity to set in. Through situations in our life we develop all kinds of feelings; this becomes how we perceive the situation and how we look at the future. We learned how to change our negative thought process and began looking at our spouse and at others more positively.

At our next meeting we will be creating charm bracelets-I hope that you will all be able to join us!

PEACE---"a heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones" Proverbs 14:30

Quite a contrast----difference between peace and envy. Throughout the Bible, peace is described as hope, trust, and quiet in the soul that is brought about by reconciliation with God through faith in Christ. Quite the opposite, however, is the picture of envy. To be an envious person is to be discontented, dealing with resentment and unfulfilled yearning.

I recently came across a newspaper article detailing some of the recent scientific studies suggesting that religious faith benefits health. These studies don't go to God's Word as their authority, but they rely on data that is demonstrating to the world the truth of what the believer already knows: our personal faith in God through Christ helps us grow in peace. The further we progress in our faith the more settled we become. This isn't to say that we don't ever become sick, encounter serious problems in our families, or have anxious thoughts, but we have an anchor for souls. When the ship of our life feels as though its being tossed about and we're not sure where we are, its comforting to know that whatever happens to us here, we'll someday be safe in heaven's harbor with God forever. That's peace.

Do things in your life feel out of control? Do you lack a compass amidst stroms in your life? Jesus came to seek and save people who were lost. Run to Him. Run to His Word. To be in relationship with Him is to experience peace.

Devotions for Moms by Ellen Banks Elwell
