Have you ever been busy trying to do good and it feels like everything is going wrong? No matter where you turn, what project you tackle, or who you talk to---it just all goes wrong! Sometimes I get so focused on my project, my list for the day and my own agendas, that I forget that I'm not the One in control!
When things seem to be going out of control, into major chaos, and I'm feeling like I'm falling apart----I crash! I get angry, I blame others, I start having my own little pitiful moment! (or sometimes----minutes, hours, etc...)
I'm trying to get better at these ugly moments and remember who is in control. When I remember, I ask God what He wants me to see, to understand? Ask what I am to learn right at this moment? I sometimes have to physically stop movement to just get my bearings so that I change my focus. I forget that God wants to teach me things or show me things that will lead to His purpose for me in the future. Sometimes He wants to teach others thru me and sometimes He chooses to teach me thru others.
Going thru those times are not fun! But I will say that if you and I can just picture the red "STOP!" sign in our mind and talk to Him (listen to Him) or even better---talk to God 1st in the morning, letting Him set our focus---then things do begin to get better. Chaos still ensues, but somehow knowing that He's in control will give you and I better "seeing, hearing, feeling, and thought process."
Have a great time getting ready for the Christmas holidays , but don't forget to stop, share and show "Christ more."
Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. THey will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." (NLT)