PEACE---"a heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones" Proverbs 14:30

Quite a contrast----difference between peace and envy. Throughout the Bible, peace is described as hope, trust, and quiet in the soul that is brought about by reconciliation with God through faith in Christ. Quite the opposite, however, is the picture of envy. To be an envious person is to be discontented, dealing with resentment and unfulfilled yearning.

I recently came across a newspaper article detailing some of the recent scientific studies suggesting that religious faith benefits health. These studies don't go to God's Word as their authority, but they rely on data that is demonstrating to the world the truth of what the believer already knows: our personal faith in God through Christ helps us grow in peace. The further we progress in our faith the more settled we become. This isn't to say that we don't ever become sick, encounter serious problems in our families, or have anxious thoughts, but we have an anchor for souls. When the ship of our life feels as though its being tossed about and we're not sure where we are, its comforting to know that whatever happens to us here, we'll someday be safe in heaven's harbor with God forever. That's peace.

Do things in your life feel out of control? Do you lack a compass amidst stroms in your life? Jesus came to seek and save people who were lost. Run to Him. Run to His Word. To be in relationship with Him is to experience peace.

Devotions for Moms by Ellen Banks Elwell


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