Long ago, the first Roman emperor had decreed that everyone must go to their ancestral home to be a part of a census. For Joseph and Mary that meant traveling 80 miles to Bethlehem. Mary was very ready to have her baby, God's Son, born. Now, I thought that helping to push a little pinto stuck in 12 inches of snow was hard the day that my daughter was born or walking with my daughter before her first child was born just 5 miles up and down hills off the beaten path at a state park was difficult. I can't imagine what it would have been like to travel by donkey, bouncing up and down over rutted, rough dirt terrain as Mary did. Or walking it like Joseph did. Yet God thru all of this has His Plan.
Micah, an O.T. prophet had predicted that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, meaning the "House of Bread." How appropriate that the Bread of Life should be born there! Joseph and Mary may have thought that Caesar Augustus was in charge, but, it was really God. He always has His people in place to accomplish His purposes of bringing good news.
One lesson for me and for you in this is that, huge inconveniences or even awful tragedies can have good come from them. Placing our faith in God doesn't mean to pretend about our circumstances, issues, or trials, but trust in God and His plan. Ask God to give you peace thru the chaos, thru difficult family get-togethers this holiday season, thru these tough financial times and thru all the other Godcidental interruptions. Ask that He direct your steps to making the right choices thru hard decisions so that His Plan will be accomplished, and He will be glorified.
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