Ghoulishly good time!!!!!

Join Us for Pumpkin Carving Friday Oct 29th

Pumpkin Carving
and Games
@ 5:00pm

Veteran’s Park

238 Glenhaven Drive
*Please bring pumpkins, carving supplies, and snack to share *

"A planter went out sowing his seed. Some fell along a path that was eaten by birds; some fell on the rocky ground and had no moisture; some fell among the thorns and they choked all the good plantings; and some fell on good, rich soil." Luke 8:5-8

As women we often feel responsible for those around us----friends, co-workers, parents, spouses, and especially our children. Yet, Jesus reminds us that our job is to plant the seeds in other's lives; we cannot take responsiblity for how others respond to the gospel message. It's so hard to release that sense of control, especially with our children. However, it's not your job or mine to control our children's (or friends or co-workers') choices. It is our job to be a planter in their lives---to sow and nurture the seed of God's truth in their hearts. Then we need to trust God as we wait to see what kind of crop He grows.
(True Identity, Bible for Women)

Membership to Aquarium of the Bay $50 (value $100)

Family and Caregiver Membership to Aquarium of the Bay

Go beneath the waves of the San Francisco Bay and discover an underwater world.

You don't need to charter a submarine to discover what's in the San Francisco Bay -- just head to San Francisco's Aquarium of the Bay. Nowhere else in the Bay Area will you get a chance to walk through a pair of glass tunnels underneath the San Francisco Bay. You'll be surrounded by 700,000 gallons of filtered Bay water and more than 20,000 aquatic animals from the San Francisco Bay and surrounding waters -- anchovies, rock fish, sharks, and giant skates, to name a few. Staring at schools of fish swimming right over your head, seeing the sun shining above the the water surface, so far above, it's easy to believe you're in another world.

Make a Difference--Oct 23rd Great Day of Service

Join Us!
Saturday Oct 23rd

Starting at 9am (arrive 15 min early to check in and find your group)

Meet @ 333 Civic Center Plaza (downtown by City Hall) and then head out with your teams.

*Wear a white shirt and bring gloves.
For more info or to submit a project request visit


Yesterday, like a lot of people around the world, I was mesmerized by the Live Stream Video of the rescue of the miners in Chile. After all of the bad news in this world of the economy, friends and family losing their jobs and their homes, so many health issues, we all needed a rescue. We all needed a worldwide rescue from our Rescuer! What an uplifting joy to feel happiness for people finding the Light, finding joy after being in such a deep darkness for so long!

Have you been there? Have been in that pit way underground for months at a time waiting for someone to help you out of that tunnel? I think that we all have been there at different times in our lives. We need to take a page out of the miners handbook about staying positive, and writing down the daily positives, seeking the joys of the moments that we have and looking to our Rescuer, our Light! The miners themselves were way more positive about their plight than their loved ones who were up here, on top, in the light.

I loved watching their joy! It was contagious! I know that my Rescuer has saved me and shone me the light so many times. I have learned the most thru those dark times (because I've never learned anything the easy way!) Some days its just being thankful that I'm breathing. Some days the 15 min. of hot coffee/tea, music, and quiet are just enough to get me thru. Other times I need to get away and have just my time with Jesus. Ladies, I know that its hard with children, but one day/one weekend away by yourself/with a friend, with Jesus will make the other days so much better! It will be better for you, for your spouse, for your children, for your friends! It will give you the energy you need to help them and others.

How do you deal with negativity? With bouts of depression and/or bad days? Share your ways to joy, and hopefully it will be contagious for all of us!

Family membership to the Oakland Zoo 50% off

Family membership to the Oakland Zoo

Run for the hills, everyone -- the Oakland Hills, that is -- and take advantage of the Savvy Source's latest offer: our Savvy Savings and Scholarships program is offering subscribers a Family Membership to the Oakland Zoo for only $47! That's 50% off the full price of $95, which is an incredible bargain. In fact, at the current admission and parking rates, a family of four recoups the cost of a Family Membership in just one visit!
Cost $47 (value $95)

Need Restoration?

Scott and I love to go to the ocean! We love to just sit and soak up the sun, hear the waves, watch the people, watch the tides change, jump in the waves,....restore our souls. Going to the ocean allows us to relax, be still, and watch God's artistry. From the different hues of the sky and waters, to all of the species in the waters, God has designed all of this. I have this picture on my desktop and it reminds me of the 18 days I spent seeking and just listening to Him this past summer. In all honesty, I don't think that I have ever spent that much time continuously in God. How sad for me.

While Heather was a teenager, I took care of 3 young girls whose mother had died in a car accident. I realized that I couldn't take care of these four girls, help with their household, be a wife, and a full-time teacher without spending time with God everyday. It was so incredibly hard to fit everything into my day and give all that I had to each of these responsiblities, but I knew that with Him, He would guide and direct my steps. I just knew it in my Spirit. I knew that God would give me the energy and strength I needed to do what He had purposed for me.

It was hard, but, I would set my alarm for 20min. before I knew that my day was to begin, go to the living room, read my Bible, and talk to God about the day ahead. I became more purposeful in looking for what He was doing around me and sometimes thru me. I wish I could say that I did this everyday, but I didn't. However, I did do it often enough to notice that on the days that I sought Him first, my days seemed to stretch and I would have more energy. I don't know how He does this!!

My challenge to you is to just try putting Him first in your day as many times as you can for a month, take note of how your days go, and then see what God does with those days, see where and how He shows Himself. Watch for changes in yourself as you honestly seek Him. See if you feel His Spirit restoring your soul. I will be praying for each of you. God Bless!

FREE Breast Cancer Boot Camp Saturday, Oct 9

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

FREE Breast Cancer Boot Camp
 In Shape 9am-10am with music, prizes and free gifts!

Everyone (members and non-members) are invited to attend this FREE event.

Operation Christmas Child-How to Pack a Shoe Box

PRINT THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND LABELS (see PDF link below)Use an empty shoe box (standard size, please) or a small plastic container. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift.

Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Print out the appropriate boy/girl label by downloading the artwork to the right. Mark the correct age category on the label, and tape the label to the top of your box.

Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child. Use the gift ideas provided on the print out link above.

Please donate $7 or more for each shoe box you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on memo line) and place it in an envelope on top of the gift items inside your box.
Bring your box to our next meeting on Oct 19th.