Yesterday, like a lot of people around the world, I was mesmerized by the Live Stream Video of the rescue of the miners in Chile. After all of the bad news in this world of the economy, friends and family losing their jobs and their homes, so many health issues, we all needed a rescue. We all needed a worldwide rescue from our Rescuer! What an uplifting joy to feel happiness for people finding the Light, finding joy after being in such a deep darkness for so long!
Have you been there? Have been in that pit way underground for months at a time waiting for someone to help you out of that tunnel? I think that we all have been there at different times in our lives. We need to take a page out of the miners handbook about staying positive, and writing down the daily positives, seeking the joys of the moments that we have and looking to our Rescuer, our Light! The miners themselves were way more positive about their plight than their loved ones who were up here, on top, in the light.
I loved watching their joy! It was contagious! I know that my Rescuer has saved me and shone me the light so many times. I have learned the most thru those dark times (because I've never learned anything the easy way!) Some days its just being thankful that I'm breathing. Some days the 15 min. of hot coffee/tea, music, and quiet are just enough to get me thru. Other times I need to get away and have just my time with Jesus. Ladies, I know that its hard with children, but one day/one weekend away by yourself/with a friend, with Jesus will make the other days so much better! It will be better for you, for your spouse, for your children, for your friends! It will give you the energy you need to help them and others.
How do you deal with negativity? With bouts of depression and/or bad days? Share your ways to joy, and hopefully it will be contagious for all of us!
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