Encouraging Attitudes

Tomorrow is the beginning of another school year. As a mother and grandmother I am excited for the children going to school, experiencing new activities, meeting new friends, and learning so much! As a mother and grandmother I'm, also, very nervous for the children going to school, experiencing new activities, meeting new friends and learning so much!

The principle of a school nearby used to begin everyday over the loud-speaker system saying the Pledge of Allegiance and giving Words of Wisdom. She would always end her 2 minute speech with the following line: "Now, you can go and make this a great day.... or not! The choice is up to you!"

Attitude is a choice not a skill or a talent. We can send our children off with great a attitude :) or we can send them off with a not so great attitude. :( Our attitudes of choice can give us the courage we need to handle all kinds of daily situations positively or negatively. Our choice and their choice.
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." Proverbs 15:13

Which attitude are you going to use tomorrow morning? Every morning?


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