Juggling vs Balancing

Juggling---when its done with rubber balls---can be an amusing pastime. But sometimes we feel as if our life depends on our juggling skills: husband, children, money, church, school, job, friends, etc... Everything is important, everything vies for our attention. If we lose our rhythm for an instant, chaos ensues.

God doesn't call us to be jugglers. He call us to be people of balance.

Does God care about all the responsibilities we have to juggle in our daily lives? Of course. But He cares more that our lives demonstrate balance, the ability to discern what is essential and give ourselves fully to it.

Our spiritual life, our connection with God, is the solid footing that enables us to fulfill our responsiblities. We may be able to juggle a lot of things at once, but we can only hold a few things at a time.

In what ways do you think your life is out of balance? How can you make God your solid footing?

"But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed." Luke 10:40-42

Penelope J. Stokes, "Simple Words of Wisdom: 52 Virtues for Every Woman" & "First Light"


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