I know many of us look around our homes and we see clutter. Sometimes it may be overwhelming as to where to begin to free yourself from it. Believe it our not we all have a clutter personality. Which one are you?
1. The Rebel: I don’t want to and I don’t have to
2. The Deferrer: I’ll think about it tomorrow
3. The Hoarder: This might come in handy someday
4. The Perfectionist: Next week all organize everything just right
Get to work
Once you have determined which personality fits you. It’s time to get to work. Allow yourself to pick a specific area: kitchen drawer, closet, cabinet, etc. and set a timer for 25 minutes. Keep in mind you only have a short amount of time to complete the task. If you have not used an item within the last six months donate it or throw it away. Put items into three categories keep, donate, and toss. When the timer is up you are done with that area place all keep items away neatly and enjoy the tidiness of your new home.
You did a good job summarizing a great message. Good timing for me personally too.
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