How many times have we heard this from our children and thought it for ourselves in many situations? We feel that fairness should be a value that everyone is born with. And that we should always be on the receiving end of this important value. If one person is offered a cookie, we should all get cookies. No one should get into that front parking spot at the Mall that we have been eyeing for the past thirty seconds from across the entire lot. We always see fairness from one side---ours. When things don't go our way we claim unfairness.
We look at how other people act and make judgement calls on their hearts, their thoughts, and their lifestyles.
Fairness doesn't necessarily mean that the cookies are divided evenly. It just means that we trust God to do the dividing, because HE knows the hearts, the thoughts, the lifestyles, the finances, the angers, the joys, the hurts, and the blessings we all have. Our responsibility is to look up to God, not down on others.
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