Experiencing Worship

In the NT worship is joy and thanksgiving to Christ for providing life for us thru His death on the cross. We are instructed to worship, but not told where to worship. We are not required to worship in certain places, saying certain things, however, worshipping with people who think about what God wants and thinks is better for us and keeps us worshipping only Him and not anyone or anything else. Worship includes prayer, praise, and study of God's Word and it must be done with a spirit and attitude of truth.

When our minds and bodies are yielded to God, everyday can be a special experience. Worshipping God requires us to not be about selfish thinking and not making our reputations be about having things or getting more that are contrary to God's instructions. We are to get rid of the shouldhaves, couldhaves, and oughttos, and view God's mercy as the motivating factor that leads us to true worship. Its been said that grace is getting what we don't deserve and mercy is not getting what we do deserve. Daily thank God for His mercy and grace as you are prompted to worship Him with the beauty of your life in 2011. Happy New Year!

Christmas Eve, Friday Dec 24th

Christmas Eve Service
@ West High 1775 W. Lowell Ave
4pm and 5:30pm


Long ago, the first Roman emperor had decreed that everyone must go to their ancestral home to be a part of a census. For Joseph and Mary that meant traveling 80 miles to Bethlehem. Mary was very ready to have her baby, God's Son, born. Now, I thought that helping to push a little pinto stuck in 12 inches of snow was hard the day that my daughter was born or walking with my daughter before her first child was born just 5 miles up and down hills off the beaten path at a state park was difficult. I can't imagine what it would have been like to travel by donkey, bouncing up and down over rutted, rough dirt terrain as Mary did. Or walking it like Joseph did. Yet God thru all of this has His Plan.

Micah, an O.T. prophet had predicted that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, meaning the "House of Bread." How appropriate that the Bread of Life should be born there! Joseph and Mary may have thought that Caesar Augustus was in charge, but, it was really God. He always has His people in place to accomplish His purposes of bringing good news.

One lesson for me and for you in this is that, huge inconveniences or even awful tragedies can have good come from them. Placing our faith in God doesn't mean to pretend about our circumstances, issues, or trials, but trust in God and His plan. Ask God to give you peace thru the chaos, thru difficult family get-togethers this holiday season, thru these tough financial times and thru all the other Godcidental interruptions. Ask that He direct your steps to making the right choices thru hard decisions so that His Plan will be accomplished, and He will be glorified.

Christmas Meeting

Dec 7th Meeting ReCap

If you missed our December meeting Brian Clark was our guest speaker. He challenged us to think about our long term goals for our children. Lots of things happen on accident, but Godliness never does. He shared with us a list and goals and he challenged us to think about our own goals.  

 1. To love Jesus (authentic faith)

2. Healthy friendships

3. Moral boundaries

4. To share her/his faith

5. Integrity

6. Others first

7. Spiritual HABITS

Due 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

And Santa whispered, "Teach the children the true meaning of Christmas...."

The Star: Was a heavenly sign of what was to come being fulfilled long, long ago as the shining hope for mankind

The Color Red: Is the color of Christmas symbolizing The Savior's sacrifice of His life for all

The Fir Tree: Has an evergreen color and is the second color of Christmas showing everlasing light and life as the needles of its tree point to heaven

The Bell: Rings out to guide lost sheep back to the fold and signifies that all are precious in His sight

The Candle: Is a mirror of starlight that reflects our thanks for the Star of Bethlehem guiding our journey

The Gift Bow: Is tied as we should all be tied together in bonds of goodwill forever

The Candy Cane: Represents the shape of the shepherd's crook that was used to bring lost lambs back into the fold

The Wreath: Is a symbol of the never ending eternal value of love as having no ending

JESUS is the Reason for the Season!

Hometown Parade this Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 4 @ 6pm Hometown Holiday Light Parade Downtown

Our Inconveniences or Our Learnings

Have you ever been busy trying to do good and it feels like everything is going wrong? No matter where you turn, what project you tackle, or who you talk to---it just all goes wrong! Sometimes I get so focused on my project, my list for the day and my own agendas, that I forget that I'm not the One in control!

When things seem to be going out of control, into major chaos, and I'm feeling like I'm falling apart----I crash! I get angry, I blame others, I start having my own little pitiful moment! (or sometimes----minutes, hours, etc...)

I'm trying to get better at these ugly moments and remember who is in control. When I remember, I ask God what He wants me to see, to understand? Ask what I am to learn right at this moment? I sometimes have to physically stop movement to just get my bearings so that I change my focus. I forget that God wants to teach me things or show me things that will lead to His purpose for me in the future. Sometimes He wants to teach others thru me and sometimes He chooses to teach me thru others.

Going thru those times are not fun! But I will say that if you and I can just picture the red "STOP!" sign in our mind and talk to Him (listen to Him) or even better---talk to God 1st in the morning, letting Him set our focus---then things do begin to get better. Chaos still ensues, but somehow knowing that He's in control will give you and I better "seeing, hearing, feeling, and thought process."

Have a great time getting ready for the Christmas holidays , but don't forget to stop, share and show "Christ more."

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. THey will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." (NLT)

10 Blessings for Your Home

PEACE May there be peace within your walls (Ps.122:7)
JOY May the God of hope fill you with all joy (Rom. 15:13)
STRENGTH May our Lord...encourage your hearts and strengthen you (2 Thess. 2:16-17)
SUCCESS May HE give you the desire of your heart and make all yor plans succeed (Ps.20:4)
COMFORT May Your unfailing love be my comfort (Ps.119:76)
GRACE May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ...be with you (2 Cor.13:14)
FAVOR May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us. (Ps.90:17)
KINDNESS May the Lord now show you kindness (2 Sam. 2:6)
PROTECTION May Your love and Your truth always protect me (Ps.40:11)
LOVE May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in
You (Ps. 33:22)
(Holley Gerth---Blessings Unlimited)

Save the date Friday, Dec 10th

Local events shows and fun stuff!!!

Ice skating at Del Osso Farm!!



The Nutcracker Dec 18 & 19
How the Grinch Stole Christmas- Dec 5 (film)
A Christmas Carol- Dec 12 (film)



Lion Witch and the Wardrobe Nov 19-21
It's A Wonderful Life Dec 11&12


San Francisco

The Cow Palace transformed into a Victorian England village


San Francisco

West Side Story Nov 20-28



Mary Poppins June 2011
Wicked May/June 2012


Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:5

The Christian's "love muscle" is called on to have amazing elasticity and flexibility. We are to applaud people who are honored for their accomplishments, and yet be known to lose their tempers and act selfishly. We cheer on our children for great awards of good deeds at school, all the time knowing that they are going to show us major attitude and/or not listen to us or anyone in authority when they have their "issues." I'm thankful for friends and family who have seen me at my worse moments and at my better moments, and they still love me just the same.

Love covers. Where do we draw the line between showing a healthy amount of love that covers our lousy habits and ignore those wrong choices that enable a person to continue in destructive behaviors or addictions.

We all have shortcomings and inconsistencies that surface from time to time and we need to stretch to forgive others as we hope they will do for us. When our actions or words become destructive or addictive, we pray that we will not be unwise and ignore the problems of people we love and that others won't allow us to do this either?

This Thanksgiving remember the good of others and if others need your help to keep from destroying themselves or others, help them in a loving manner.

Nov 16th Meeting Recap

Today we learned how to discipline our children effectively. We learned that the goal is a balanced, authority’s parent who combines high levels of support with high levels of control. This combination will typically produce children with high self-esteem, good coping skills, and a positive relationship with parents. Discipline is teaching obedience to God and His Word through consistent consequence (actions) and clear instructions (words) in an atmosphere of love.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

Project Craft Night-Friday, Nov 19th 6pm

Join Us: Friday, Nov 19th @ 6pm Meeting @ Journey Ministry Center

We will be working on some projects for our upcoming Christmas Pary
Dec 10th (save the date).
Childcare will be available for a small fee; however, we need to know ahead of time if you will need childcare.

Go Against the Flow

Doesn't it seem that when someone says, "Don't ....," we always do.

In the steadiness of world economic issues, weather issues, health issues, etc...., we need someone to give our worries to. The steady stream of worries seems to build up one thought at a time, growing ever more until we think we are going to go crazy! Then we finally hear ourselves say, "Quit worrying!" When we are left on our own, we always seem to come back to our fears. However, God gives us something specific to do when we feel overwhelmed, anxious, or worried. He tells us to give everything to Him!

1)thru prayer we are to talk to Him about situations, everyday life

2)thru petitioning we are to make requests to Him as our Authority

3)thru thanksgiving we are to express all of our gratitude

None of these things needs to be done in any certain way, with any special words or actions, just talking, crying, laughing, yelling, pleading, rejoicing from our hearts. Sounds too easy, right! Not usually in the beginning, however the more that we practice, "letting go and letting God," it will get easier. God wants us to hand over our worries so that He can give us peace. The kind of peace that comes to guard our hearts, just as a sentinel watching over our hearts and our minds.

Go against the "steady" stream of negativity and give it all to God!

Nov 2nd Meeting Recap

Today we wrapped up a series about building relationships and creating healthy bonds with each other. We learned from Greg Smalley about negative beliefs in marriage and how that outlook can cause negativity to set in. Through situations in our life we develop all kinds of feelings; this becomes how we perceive the situation and how we look at the future. We learned how to change our negative thought process and began looking at our spouse and at others more positively.

At our next meeting we will be creating charm bracelets-I hope that you will all be able to join us!

PEACE---"a heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones" Proverbs 14:30

Quite a contrast----difference between peace and envy. Throughout the Bible, peace is described as hope, trust, and quiet in the soul that is brought about by reconciliation with God through faith in Christ. Quite the opposite, however, is the picture of envy. To be an envious person is to be discontented, dealing with resentment and unfulfilled yearning.

I recently came across a newspaper article detailing some of the recent scientific studies suggesting that religious faith benefits health. These studies don't go to God's Word as their authority, but they rely on data that is demonstrating to the world the truth of what the believer already knows: our personal faith in God through Christ helps us grow in peace. The further we progress in our faith the more settled we become. This isn't to say that we don't ever become sick, encounter serious problems in our families, or have anxious thoughts, but we have an anchor for souls. When the ship of our life feels as though its being tossed about and we're not sure where we are, its comforting to know that whatever happens to us here, we'll someday be safe in heaven's harbor with God forever. That's peace.

Do things in your life feel out of control? Do you lack a compass amidst stroms in your life? Jesus came to seek and save people who were lost. Run to Him. Run to His Word. To be in relationship with Him is to experience peace.

Devotions for Moms by Ellen Banks Elwell


Ghoulishly good time!!!!!

Join Us for Pumpkin Carving Friday Oct 29th

Pumpkin Carving
and Games
@ 5:00pm

Veteran’s Park

238 Glenhaven Drive
*Please bring pumpkins, carving supplies, and snack to share *

"A planter went out sowing his seed. Some fell along a path that was eaten by birds; some fell on the rocky ground and had no moisture; some fell among the thorns and they choked all the good plantings; and some fell on good, rich soil." Luke 8:5-8

As women we often feel responsible for those around us----friends, co-workers, parents, spouses, and especially our children. Yet, Jesus reminds us that our job is to plant the seeds in other's lives; we cannot take responsiblity for how others respond to the gospel message. It's so hard to release that sense of control, especially with our children. However, it's not your job or mine to control our children's (or friends or co-workers') choices. It is our job to be a planter in their lives---to sow and nurture the seed of God's truth in their hearts. Then we need to trust God as we wait to see what kind of crop He grows.
(True Identity, Bible for Women)

Membership to Aquarium of the Bay $50 (value $100)

Family and Caregiver Membership to Aquarium of the Bay

Go beneath the waves of the San Francisco Bay and discover an underwater world.

You don't need to charter a submarine to discover what's in the San Francisco Bay -- just head to San Francisco's Aquarium of the Bay. Nowhere else in the Bay Area will you get a chance to walk through a pair of glass tunnels underneath the San Francisco Bay. You'll be surrounded by 700,000 gallons of filtered Bay water and more than 20,000 aquatic animals from the San Francisco Bay and surrounding waters -- anchovies, rock fish, sharks, and giant skates, to name a few. Staring at schools of fish swimming right over your head, seeing the sun shining above the the water surface, so far above, it's easy to believe you're in another world.

Make a Difference--Oct 23rd Great Day of Service

Join Us!
Saturday Oct 23rd

Starting at 9am (arrive 15 min early to check in and find your group)

Meet @ 333 Civic Center Plaza (downtown by City Hall) and then head out with your teams.

*Wear a white shirt and bring gloves.
For more info or to submit a project request visit http://www.tracyforchrist.org/


Yesterday, like a lot of people around the world, I was mesmerized by the Live Stream Video of the rescue of the miners in Chile. After all of the bad news in this world of the economy, friends and family losing their jobs and their homes, so many health issues, we all needed a rescue. We all needed a worldwide rescue from our Rescuer! What an uplifting joy to feel happiness for people finding the Light, finding joy after being in such a deep darkness for so long!

Have you been there? Have been in that pit way underground for months at a time waiting for someone to help you out of that tunnel? I think that we all have been there at different times in our lives. We need to take a page out of the miners handbook about staying positive, and writing down the daily positives, seeking the joys of the moments that we have and looking to our Rescuer, our Light! The miners themselves were way more positive about their plight than their loved ones who were up here, on top, in the light.

I loved watching their joy! It was contagious! I know that my Rescuer has saved me and shone me the light so many times. I have learned the most thru those dark times (because I've never learned anything the easy way!) Some days its just being thankful that I'm breathing. Some days the 15 min. of hot coffee/tea, music, and quiet are just enough to get me thru. Other times I need to get away and have just my time with Jesus. Ladies, I know that its hard with children, but one day/one weekend away by yourself/with a friend, with Jesus will make the other days so much better! It will be better for you, for your spouse, for your children, for your friends! It will give you the energy you need to help them and others.

How do you deal with negativity? With bouts of depression and/or bad days? Share your ways to joy, and hopefully it will be contagious for all of us!

Family membership to the Oakland Zoo 50% off

Family membership to the Oakland Zoo

Run for the hills, everyone -- the Oakland Hills, that is -- and take advantage of the Savvy Source's latest offer: our Savvy Savings and Scholarships program is offering subscribers a Family Membership to the Oakland Zoo for only $47! That's 50% off the full price of $95, which is an incredible bargain. In fact, at the current admission and parking rates, a family of four recoups the cost of a Family Membership in just one visit!
Cost $47 (value $95)


Need Restoration?

Scott and I love to go to the ocean! We love to just sit and soak up the sun, hear the waves, watch the people, watch the tides change, jump in the waves,....restore our souls. Going to the ocean allows us to relax, be still, and watch God's artistry. From the different hues of the sky and waters, to all of the species in the waters, God has designed all of this. I have this picture on my desktop and it reminds me of the 18 days I spent seeking and just listening to Him this past summer. In all honesty, I don't think that I have ever spent that much time continuously in God. How sad for me.

While Heather was a teenager, I took care of 3 young girls whose mother had died in a car accident. I realized that I couldn't take care of these four girls, help with their household, be a wife, and a full-time teacher without spending time with God everyday. It was so incredibly hard to fit everything into my day and give all that I had to each of these responsiblities, but I knew that with Him, He would guide and direct my steps. I just knew it in my Spirit. I knew that God would give me the energy and strength I needed to do what He had purposed for me.

It was hard, but, I would set my alarm for 20min. before I knew that my day was to begin, go to the living room, read my Bible, and talk to God about the day ahead. I became more purposeful in looking for what He was doing around me and sometimes thru me. I wish I could say that I did this everyday, but I didn't. However, I did do it often enough to notice that on the days that I sought Him first, my days seemed to stretch and I would have more energy. I don't know how He does this!!

My challenge to you is to just try putting Him first in your day as many times as you can for a month, take note of how your days go, and then see what God does with those days, see where and how He shows Himself. Watch for changes in yourself as you honestly seek Him. See if you feel His Spirit restoring your soul. I will be praying for each of you. God Bless!

FREE Breast Cancer Boot Camp Saturday, Oct 9

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

FREE Breast Cancer Boot Camp
 In Shape 9am-10am with music, prizes and free gifts!

Everyone (members and non-members) are invited to attend this FREE event.

Operation Christmas Child-How to Pack a Shoe Box

PRINT THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND LABELS (see PDF link below)Use an empty shoe box (standard size, please) or a small plastic container. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift.

Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Print out the appropriate boy/girl label by downloading the artwork to the right. Mark the correct age category on the label, and tape the label to the top of your box.

Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child. Use the gift ideas provided on the print out link above.

Please donate $7 or more for each shoe box you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on memo line) and place it in an envelope on top of the gift items inside your box.
Bring your box to our next meeting on Oct 19th.

"God looked at everything He had made, and it was very good." Genesis 1:31

The 1st chapter of the Bible is the written account of God making something "out of nothing," with the sound of His voice. After each day of creation, God stepped back, took a look at what He had done and declared it, GOOD!

When God created your family, He made you, the mother. God wants us to mirror His relationships with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and His people. Parenting a baby to adulthood is a process that requires communication, years of hard work, prayer, persistence, and sacrifice. Thru every stage of life there are many reasons to wear "padding on our knees" while taking all of our concerns, questions, challenges, and gratefulness to Him.

Always remember that God looks at you and your family with delight and joy (Zeph. 3:17). Our challenge, is to please Him through everything that we do.

Keep in mind, too, that God chose you to reflect His glory, and He will equip you to take care of your family. Be patient and celebrate each unique member. God has created your family and declared your family----GOOD!

Moms Devotional Bible

Reluctant Cooks Corner-Chicken Tortilla Soup

Hello everyone! I pray that you are having a blessed week. I am so ready for the real fall weather to be here, so maybe if I post some recipes that scream out, "Tummy warming comfort food," the weather will listen? The first recipe is one that I love to prepare on those crisp fall days. It's for a Tortilla Soup that takes the guess work out of seasoning and can be easily adapted for a family since you can add extra kick or make it mild depending on your taste. The base of the soup is the mild taco sauce, the chicken broth and the diced tomato. Everything else can be substituted depending on your taste. You can make it vegetarian style or even add beans or corn if you wish.

Chicken Tortilla Soup

3 14 oz Cans low sodium chicken broth. If you like your soup really thick you can add two, if you like it to have a lot of broth you can add four. Keep in mind, the less broth, the spicier the soup will be
2 Cans diced tomatoes, use juice included
1 15 oz bottle of La Victoria Mild sauce. You can also use Medium Taco Bravo sauce if you like it spicier
2 Cups cooked chicken chopped (I always use my leftover Costco Chicken and chop it. It's delicious in the soup and it helps me not to waste food)
1/4 Cup chopped Cilantro
2 Cloves of garlic chopped (if you're not a garlic lover like me, one will be fine too).
1/2 Chopped onion
1 Red Pepper, seeded, and chopped
1/2 Mexican squash, slicked in half and then cut (I forgot to cut them in half this time and it was a little harder to eat).

Garnish: Tostitos Lime Chips and Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese

Chop all the vegetables and chicken to put into the soup.
Pour the chicken broth, the diced tomatoes (juice included) and the taco sauce into the pan. Stir well and taste. You might want to start with three quarters of the bottle and see how much you want to add. Keep in mind that as you prepare it, the flavors will become stronger as it cooks down.
Once you have the flavor where you want it, add the vegetables and chicken and bring to a boil. Once it's boiling turn down to medium heat and simmer. Make sure to continue to cook at a lower temperature because it will dry your chicken out if it cooks at a high temperature for too long. If you're in a hurry you can cover and it will cook faster. You'll know if's finished when your vegetables are soft and your onions are clear.

When you are done cooking, garnish with a generous helping of crumbled lime Tostitos and Monterey Jack Cheese.


Next blog post I'm going to try and make a Chicken and Wild Rice Soup. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Stay tuned reluctant cooks! Please feel free to email me and share some of your favorite recipes at bernadetteoc@gmail.com. Bon Appetit!

Raising Community-Minded Kids . . . Oct 5th Don’t Miss It!

“We are raising one of the most selfish generations, ever.”

Today’s young Americans are more confident, assertive, entitled – and more miserable than ever before.”

One of today’s parenting hot topics is children and their sense of entitlement. In a timely and fast-paced presentation, regional speaker Teresa Drake identifies some of the root causes of “entitlement” as she addresses the issue of Narcissism -- a disconcerting and rapidly escalating trend in today’s society. What started out with the best of intentions, the nationwide movement to bolster kids’ self-esteem, has produced an era of young adults known as “Generation Me”.

We have the ability to slow down this negative trend, and perhaps even see a reversal of attitudes in our own homes.

Join us one Tuesday Oct 5th for Teresa’s presentation, Raising Community-Minded Kids, she will offer easy and useful, age-appropriate ideas to counter this growing problem.

For more info check out her website: www.teresadrake.com

Soup Jars Veteran's Outreach Project

Sept 21 Review–Developing Your Child’s Full Potential

Today we learned the two primary needs our children have are significance and security. The number one thing we want our kids to learn is obedience. We also learned that when kids are small we don’t need to talk a lot instead we should discipline by action. As they get older it reverses and you verbalize expectations. We learned that obedience is a developmental process and we need to teach our kids only what they are mentally and emotionally capable of learning.

Information doesn’t bring transformation application brings transformation

Parents do not treat your child in such a way as to make them angry. Instead, raise them up with Christian discipline and instruction. Ephesians 6:43 (Good News Bible)

If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again

If I had my child to raise over again,

I'd fingerpaint more and point the finger less.

I'd do less correcting and more connecting.

I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.

I would care to know less and know to care more.

I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.

I'd stop playing serious and seriously play.

I'd run through more fields and gaze at more stars.

I'd do more hugging and less tugging.

I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.

I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.

I'd teach less about the love of power,

and more about the power of love.

(Diane Loomans, The Preschooler's Busy Book)

Get Organized

I know many of us look around our homes and we see clutter. Sometimes it may be overwhelming as to where to begin to free yourself from it. Believe it our not we all have a clutter personality. Which one are you?

1. The Rebel: I don’t want to and I don’t have to
2. The Deferrer: I’ll think about it tomorrow
3. The Hoarder: This might come in handy someday
4. The Perfectionist: Next week all organize everything just right

Get to work
Once you have determined which personality fits you. It’s time to get to work. Allow yourself to pick a specific area: kitchen drawer, closet, cabinet, etc. and set a timer for 25 minutes. Keep in mind you only have a short amount of time to complete the task. If you have not used an item within the last six months donate it or throw it away. Put items into three categories keep, donate, and toss. When the timer is up you are done with that area place all keep items away neatly and enjoy the tidiness of your new home.

"It's Not Fair!!"

How many times have we heard this from our children and thought it for ourselves in many situations? We feel that fairness should be a value that everyone is born with. And that we should always be on the receiving end of this important value. If one person is offered a cookie, we should all get cookies. No one should get into that front parking spot at the Mall that we have been eyeing for the past thirty seconds from across the entire lot. We always see fairness from one side---ours. When things don't go our way we claim unfairness.
We look at how other people act and make judgement calls on their hearts, their thoughts, and their lifestyles.
Fairness doesn't necessarily mean that the cookies are divided evenly. It just means that we trust God to do the dividing, because HE knows the hearts, the thoughts, the lifestyles, the finances, the angers, the joys, the hurts, and the blessings we all have. Our responsibility is to look up to God, not down on others.

Adventure Camp

1st meeting re-cap

Today was the starting point to what will be an amazing year. Wherever you are on the adventure of life: stuck on the hill, dealing with detours, car fires, or frantic freeway moments there is hope. Our goal is that throughout this year we will develop skills to help us not only raise great kid but also navigate the many challenges of life. The choices we make are import and they will ultimately determine our destination, and destination matters. In the story I shared today we never had a clear destination and as a result we had trouble (understatement) finding the location.

One of the amazing things I learned on this weekend adventure was that often those experiences that make your knees weak, your palms sweat, and your heart race are those moments where you feel truly alive. As I took the first step out, along a rope I didn’t think could hold me, attached to pack I wasn’t sure could catch me, I felt truly alive.

It is my hope that you will embrace the adventure, the highs and lows, breakdowns, and breakthroughs it’s all part of the journey :)

Get Ready!

H Ladies,

I am excited to announce our first meeting of Moms Connect which is on Tuesday September 7th

We know the struggles in raising kids and juggling all of our daily responsibilities, so our goal for this group is to learn together, grow our skills and develop relationships to help us on our journey.

Arrive a little early to allow time to drop off your children( 8:45--9am) and get settled, we plan to start and end on time (11am) so that everyone can enjoy the blessings of the rest of their day.

I want to encourage you to follow this blog. We will be posting all group information up- coming events, news, meeting recaps, and more. ..so click FOLLOW(bottom of page) and stay connected.

Looking forward to a great start to what will be an amazing year!

Put on your running shoes and join us!

Saturday, September 11th 8:00 AM
5K/ 10K RUN

* Starts at Downtown Tracy
* Finish at Lincoln Park
* Awards 3 deep in each age group
* Post race refreshments
* T-shirts (No Guarantee of shirt sizes)
* Goodie Bag

Register online at http://www.active.com/

More information

The Lord Is My Pace Setter

The Lord is my pace setter...I shall not rush

He makes me stop for quiet intervals

He provides me with images of stillness which restore my serenity

He leads me in the way of efficiency through calmness of mind

And His guidance is peace

Even though I have a great many things to accomplish each day,

I will not fret, for His presence is here

His timelessness, His all importance will keep me in balance

He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity

by annointing my mind with His oils of tranquility

Truly harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruits of my hours

for I shall walk in the pace of my Lord and dwell in His house forever.

A version of the 23rd Psalm from Japan (as posted on Living Proof ministries)